Friday, December 11, 2015

GoPro Hero3 Set Up: My Gear Part 1

When I am using my GoPro Hero3 in investigations or on Bigfoot expeditions, I have a very specific set up. While I do have a mount that works for a backpack strap or baseball cap bill, I mostly use that in the day time or in homes. Since the woods are so dark and there is so much distance in front, I like to use another IR light with it. I wanted to share my set up because I have seen some people looking for assistance in setting up their own cameras with IR lights to be portable.

1. GoPro Hero3 Silver. This particular GoPro has been professionally altered for maximum use in the field. It has an added IR ring. It was built by RageCams.

2. GoPro Hero tripod adapter- this allows you to place the regular GoPro mounts on a tripod/ monopod GoPro Tripod Mounts $4.99

3. GoPro Hero3 frame- It allows me to securely attach the GoPro to the mounts without using the waterproof case. I use the waterproof case in the daytime, but I can't use the IR ring with it. Si Chi Standard Frame Mount Housing Protective Shell for Gopro Hero 3 Camera $2.99

4. Monopod. This is a very simple monopod with the ball head adapter removed. It does extend, but I do not use it extended. It is a good monopod for a gopro and lightweight, but it does not come with an adapter, like implied- but still a god price. Floureon® Telescopic Extendable Pole Extender Handheld Monopod $4.99
Heavy Duty Photography L Bracket with 2 Standard Flash Hot Shoe Mounts

5. Mount- This L Bracket is slid between the camera and monopod (it can also be placed on a tripod) and is help securely in place when the tripod adapter is screwed on. It has 2 Hot Shoe mounts, but another one could be used beside where the camera is placed. Heavy Duty Photography L Bracket with 2 Standard Flash Hot Shoe Mounts $6.99

6. Hot Shoe Mounts. These attach to the mount and allow you to put anything that works on a tripod on it. Lights, extra cameras, recorders, microphones, etc. I actually use the top rubber piece to secure the light in place since the light is meant to be mounted with a screw. LimoStudio 2x Mini Black Double Screw Angle 1/4" Hot Shoe Mount Adapter Holder, AGG1451 $5.99

7. External IR Light Crazy Cart 48-LED CCTV Ir Infrared Night Vision Illuminator $10.33

8. DC to 9V adapter & Velcro- this allows me to use anything I would normally use with a wall plug to become portable. I connect it and use velcro to attach it to the mount. 2Pcs 2.1x5.5mm Male DC Power Plug to 9V Battery Button Connector Cable $1.43

9. Mini USB to 3.5 Jack (not shown) & Microphone (not shown). I do have the ability to use an external microphone with the GoPro by using this adapter and a small microphone that clips onto the mount. I could also use a boom mic or shotgun mic (as long as it uses a 3.5 jack) with the right mounting capabilities. 3.5mm Mini USB Microphone Adapter Cable External Cord for Gopro Hero3 Camera Black $6.57. Remember- when choosing a microphone, try to get one with a wind screen.

All of it goes together to create an awesome machine that is ready for any nightime shooting. Keep in mind that this is what works for me. I have aquired these items oer time and sometimes for different purposes and found what worked for me. This whole build has been a work in progress and I am always finding new additions and items that work better.

I would love to see and hear about your camera set up- what do you do the same or differently?

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Press Release: 60 Visions & Predictions for 2016 from Journalists, Trends Forecasters, & Psychic Mediums

National Radio Program Presents Sixty Visions & Predictions for 2016 from Journalists, Trends Forecasters, & Psychic Mediums

On December 10th @ 10 pm EST, the nationally syndicated “Outer Limits of Inner Truth” ( radio show will proudly present the most comprehensive program to air about predictions, visions, and insights for the year 2016. The show features eighteen of the worlds top Investigative Journalists, Economic & Trends Forecasters, Psychic Mediums, Metaphysical Teachers, and Astrologers.

SHOW LINK: Outer Limits of Inner Truth “2016 Visions & Predictions” 

Notable predictions include:

Donald Trump loses his bid to become President of the United States.
Unprecedented global economic collapse – every nation on earth will be impacted.
Beloved member of the Royal Family will pass in 2016.
Major Medical breakthroughs in cancer & Alzheimer’s research.

Featured guests on the program include:

02:51 - Gerald Celente (Trends Journal Publisher)
14:28 Gregory Mannarino (Economic Forecaster)
21:07 - Kate Delaney (Nationally Syndicated Radio Host & Bestselling Author)
28:18 - Michael Rivero (Founder of
36:24 - Jon Rapport (Investigative Journalist)
49:54 - Michael Harrison (Publisher of Talkers Magazine & National Radio Host)
57:17 - Dave Schrader (National Radio Host & Investigative Journalist)
1:07:00 - Dr. Frieda Birbuam (Research Psychologist & Author)
1:11:11 - Metaphysical Teacher Khris Krepcik (The Hooded Sage)
1:18:00 - Metaphysical Teacher Marie Manucheri
1:30:00 - Missy Galore (Shamanatrix)
1:31:00 - Astrologer Constance Stellas
1:45:00 - Spiritual Astrologer Jeff Haarman
1:49:00 - Astrologer & Licensed Naprapath Dawn Silver
1:55:00 - Psychic Empath Lisa Caza
2:02:00 - Psychic Medium & Past Life Reader Laura Lyn
2:09:00 - Psychic Medium Kerrie O’Connor
2:24:00 - Spiritual Economist & Author Dr. Darryl Robert Schoon

About the Outer Limits of Inner Truth 

The Outer Limits of Inner Truth ( is a metaphysical / biographical program produced & hosted by Ryan McCormick. It premiered on February 2014 and within a few short months, was picked up for national syndication on Star Com Radio Networks and is now heard on over 30 AM stations nationwide.  OLIT has been featured on the Awakening Zone Radio Network, The Boston Globe, Radar Online, Media Bistro, The Sacramento Bee, Kansas City Star and several other media outlets. 

OLIT (Outer Limits of Inner Truth) has featured several Exclusive interviews with individuals such as: IronE Singleton, Chung Fu, Diana Cooper, Marie Manucheri, Jim Rogers, Jeff Casper, Michael Harrison, and Reverend Sally Perry. The show has also profiled celebrities such as Oliver Stone, Howard Stern, Jane Velez-Mitchell and Mick Foley.

To learn more about The Outer Limits Of Inner Truth Radio Show please visit ( 

Book Review: Legends and Lore of South Carolina

Disclaimer: I received a book to review. However, all opinions are my own.

Legends and Lore of South CarolinaI have this love of history and tend to retain facts that most people wouldn't give a second thought. I also have this obsession with knowing strange facts and the nuggets of history that are not well known- especially about South Carolina. That is one reason I love reason I love reading Sherman Carmichael books.

Legends and Lore of South Carolina ($16.99 Arcadia Press) is one of those books that grabbed my attention and took me back in time. Since I have spent almost all of my life in South Carolina, I have had the opportunity to see so many traditions and this book gives a new look at many of these traditions, like the Gullah blue bottle trees.

I am from Beaufort, lived most of my life in the upstate, and attended Winthrop University. All of these places have deep and beautiful history that you can see by exploring the beauty they hold. Apart from that, there is always something a little darker going on. These places are no exception. I have been interested in these things since a young age and love that this book expands on the stories I have heard and adds more to my knowledge. This has become a staple in my library and I refer to it often.

This new collection of eighty strange and unusual South Carolina legends is rooted in the state's deep history. Some originated centuries ago, such as the Agnes of Glasgow story in Camden and that of the ghostly dwarf jester Gauche, said to haunt a Beaufort mansion. Certain places hold secrets from different eras, including White Wolf Road in Blacksburg and the state's numerous historic cemeteries like the one at Salem Black River Church in Mayesville. These pages also contain simple explanations for local lore, like the Gullah tradition behind blue bottle trees that still decorate Carolina gardens today. These and many more crowd-pleasing yarns can be found in this volume from the desk of master storyteller, author and researcher Sherman Carmichael.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Book Review: Forgotten Tales of South Carolina

Disclaimer: I received a book to review. All opinions are my own. 

I've had the pleasure of speaking with Sherman Carmichael, author of many South Carolina paranormal books, and truly enjoyed our chats. When I had the opportunity to read Forgotten Tales of South Carolina, I was beyond excited. 

This book has over 100 tales spanning the entire state of South Carolina. There are interesting tales, reminding me of the rich history our state possesses. 
From the desk of master storyteller Sherman Carmichael comes a collection of over one hundred quirky tales from South Carolina. The origins of these stories are as elusive as the swamp monster that slinks along the bottom of Lake Murray and as hidden as the moonshine bootleggers buried inside the Stumphouse Tunnel between Charleston and the Blue Ridge Mountains. Discover how the witch Mary Ingelman of Fairfield County caused a man's cow to fly into the air, read the prehistoric petroglyphs of Pinnacle Mountain and visit the mermaid entombed inside the Hall of Wonders. Collected from Greenville to Myrtle Beach and down the coast, these stories have survived blizzards, tornadoes and pterosaurs to make it to the pages of this offbeat and rare collection.
Mr Carmichael has pulled me in, like listening to family members who have long passed and hearing the tales that make each location unique. Being a paranormal investigator, I love hearing about the legends of the state and finding new locations to check out. Mr Carmichael has given me new challenges and I can't wait to get out to explore these tales myself. 

Friday, September 11, 2015

Check Me Out On YouTube

Hey Lovelies

Did you guys know that I'm on Youtube? I am! You can see here (click here)

I would love it if you would follow me. I have posted a few older videos from when I was with Paralina, as well as the UFO experience I documented. Mostly, the videos I post are random videos from expeditions and investigations. I document the experiences we are having. I will soon start reviewing apps and equipment, as well as showing off gear and set ups.

Monday, August 17, 2015

ParaRant: Don't Lie To Your Kids

This post was originally published on I Must Be Hallucinating Magazine. The publication date was August 3, 2015. See the original article here

Disclaimer: I am not and do not claim to be a psychiatrist. My opinions on this subject are from my own experiences.

Children look at the world in wonder and do not have the ideas about what does exist and what does not exist until society puts those ideas into their heads. When kids see something; it exists. I understand kids have awesome imaginations, but a parent can usually tell if a child is playing, imagining, or if they really see something.

I remember being a kid and being scared of the witches. I would tell my mom that the witches were going to get me. I would dream about them and I would see them when I was awake. I was terrified they were coming to get me. Her explanation was “witches aren’t real.” There was another incident where I was afraid of a spirit I saw and I truly believed it was going to harm me. My mother told me that “ghosts can’t hurt you.” With this one, I argued. You see, my mother never had paranormal experiences so I was a challenge to her. Luckily she had some help from her grandmother and my other grandmother. They helped her help me. Having lived these experiences and now seeing my kid, I remember a lot about the things I was told as a kid. It wasn’t just my mom, but many of the other people in my life tried to make me think I was looney because I saw things they didn’t.

The thing about kids is that they see the world differently. They may actually be seeing what you don’t see. They may be seeing something you don’t see. Until we can use their eyes and see the world through them, we have no way of knowing. They may actually see nothing, but maybe they think they do. What is it doing to their minds if you continuously tell them that something isn’t real that they are looking right at? It is going to have serious effects on their mental state. Are they going to think that they are crazy or seeing things? Are they going to just stop telling you the problems they are facing? What if telling them things like that while they are kids teaches them to just not confide in you as a teenager? With all the problems teens face, that is the last thing you want.

Luckily, my mother had people around her that could tell her these things and she quickly stopped telling me that. Instead, she figured out how to talk to me and how to give me the tools to handle things that she could not see. I want to encourage all parents and caregivers out there to stop telling children that things don’t exist just because you can’t see them.

Instead, talk to them, ask them how they feel. Ask them when these things appear. Does a certain emotion bring them on? Do certain people bring them around? Teach them the tools to deal with their emotions and most certainly to deal with fear. Teach them to pray and to ask for help. Get them a journal. Instead of telling them it isn’t real and writing it off, talk to them. Even if it happens to be their imaginations, you are teaching them that you will be there for them and that they can handle anything.

Note: This may not be my usual snark/ sassy self, but this is a serious topic that I feel strongly about.

Friday, July 31, 2015

ParaRant: #CharlieCharlieChallenge Edition (Repost From I Must Be Hallucinating)

This post was originally published on I Must Be Hallucinating on June 17, 2015. 

When I was studying sociology, one of the things that interested me the most was the way trends take hold. Now, when I was in college, there was no Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. I don’t think Myspace had taken hold yet, and neither had gmail. I’m sure you can only imagine how my fascination with sociology and trends has increased over the years with all the social media growth. I tend to get sucked into these channels watching how trends take over. It just amazes me, I mean we have whole sectors of marketing devoted to watching trending topics and hashtags. While this can be a good thing, like in the case of fundraising for natural disasters; it can also be a bad thing- like in the case of darker things like the “slenderman phase,” and now the #charliecharliechallenge.

image from the exorcist
image from the exorcist

The answer I’m sure you are asking is if I’m going to jump on this trend. The answer is- No, I’m not dumb. I’d prefer to not have demonic entities attach themselves to me- that just doesn’t seem like the most fun thing I can do on a Saturday night. I’m sure that some people think I’m over-reacting, but If you’ve read my article about the truth and history behind the #CharlieCharlieGame, you have seen a hint of why I feel that way.

Here’s another thing. Are you going to swim in alligator-infested waters? Are you going to jump off a 10 story building with no protection? Are you going to walk up to a lion and poke it? Then why in the world would you play a game that could possibly get a demonic entity attached to you? Well, yeah- it might not happen. But, what will your life be like if something does get attached to you? I’ve lived in a house that a demonic entity tried to control and luckily got out alive. One may not be so lucky if the entity is attached to you directly.

Taking my thoughts further on this matter, didn’t your mom ever ask “If Johnny jumps off a bridge, are you going to follow?” This is exactly the same type of thing your mother was talking about. Just because all of your little buddies may be sharing their experience on Vine, Instagram or Facebook, doesn’t actually mean that it is a good idea for you to do it. If you have all this extra energy and untapped social media resources, why don’t you use it for good. Why not warn people to not play with the darkness that lurks just outside our realm of normality? Why not share photos of missing kids or raise money for people that need food to survive. Why must you waste all that potential with playing games that you may not want to see what the ending is?

Did you see my vine?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

PR Friendly

This policy is valid from 23 April 2012. This policy coincides with those set forward through The Palmetto Queen and Cari On Media. 

This blog is a personal blog written and edited by me. For questions about this blog, please contact  paranormalsass at gmail dot com.

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The Paranormal Sass is a PR friendly blog. I would love to work with you and post reviews and/or giveaways on my blog. It can be anything. This is a blog about my life and all of the things that make up my crazy beautiful life. I am interested in a wide range of products and activities including organizational products, makeup, books, children's products, and many many more.

If I choose to review your product/ host a giveaway, I will write a full-length post and promote it on any and all social media outlets, including Facebook and Twitter. It will be promoted for the duration of the giveaway if applicable.

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I will deliver a quality and professionally timed review, but I generally require 2-4 weeks to complete my review. If needed, we can discuss other time frames. 

If you are interested in having a review and/ or giveaway on The Paranormal Sass, please contact me at paranormalsass(at)gmail(dot)com

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10 Must Haves For Your Next Bigfoot Expedition (Plus My Recommendations)

This is not a sponsored post- there are no affiliate links included either.

Last year, The Carolina Cryptid Crew held a public expedition. Participants were chosen by random drawing, plus one that had an awesome submission. Many people asked then and have asked since, what one would bring on a Bigfoot Expedition. Well, there are several things I include in my pack. All of these are not necessities, but will make your experience more enjoyable.

The things that you absolutely must have when on a Bigfoot Expedition is a flashlight (and I highly recommend a camera of some kind).

1. Correct Clothing and Shoes

This may not seem like a biggie to some, but believe me- it is. I've seen people show up to an expedition wearing shorts and flip flops- not a good idea. Not only will you be traipsing around where you can't see 2 feet in front of your face, but there is wildlife out there and lots of bugs (read: chiggers and ticks).

You are going to want to wear hiking boots (or at least good tennis shoes), jeans that you can move in, and a shirt you are comfortable in. You may want to bring along a raincoat. My general expedition uniform is jeans, hiking/ work boots (yes, they are pink), a tank top until it gets cold, a pretty pink camo hat, and a jacket for when it cools off.

Snake guards are always a good idea, as well as a non-scented bug repellant (wristbands work great) and sunscreen.

2. Safety Gear

Along with snake guards, bug repellant, and sunscreen, there are other safety items you may want to consider bringing along. These items include a powerful stun gun, knife, first aid kit, flashlight, hunting vest and snake bite kit.

A survival kit with water purifier is also a good idea. Included in this should be flares, a thermal blanket, and meal bars.


Survival Personal Water Filter for Camping, Hiking, Backpacking, and Prepping. Portable Purifier is BPA Free and Lightweight. Filtration System removes 99.9% bacteria, includes Travel Strap.Stun Gun With Flashlight - Terminator 25,000,000 V Pink- Mini Rechargeable Cheap Reliable Stun Gun With LED Flashlight - Self-Defense - Defend Yourself
Personal water filter, 25,000,000-volt stun gun with flashlight, adjustable beam light

3. Camera

In all honestly, it doesn't matter what kind of camera unless you are a serious bigfooter. Our team uses a combination of trail cameras, bell+howell night vision camera, cell phones, Kodak Easyshare, Kodak Easyshare Sport, GoPro Hero 3, MeCam, and several other digital cameras and camcorders. You just want to make sure you can get a photo if you find evidence or of the big guy himself. 

You could always invest in a thermal imaging camera, but they can cost into the thousands. 

4. Monopod or Selfie Stick

This is pretty essential with a camera. They can help you get a better angle, but they serve a more fundamental role as well. With a monopod or selfie stick, your photos and videos will be more stable because the handle will allow the movement of your body to dissipate before it gets to the camera. If you choose not to use one, I highly recommend using a glove, it can help minimize static noise. 

Premium Battery Free Monopod Selfie Stick Pro - Best For Self Portrait, Group, Vacation And Event Pictures. Wired - Waterproof - Easy To Use All In One For iPhone, Android and GoPro Hero - Simple For Everyone, Makes A Great Gift. - Bonus Ebook
Alexan FlexPro Selfie Stick

5. Mounts

This may seem an odd thing to include, but trust me. I have a GoPro Hero 3 with added IR. In the woods, I use an additional IR light to get a better range on my photos. This meansI have the camera, extra light, and 2 batteries. That doesn't include my phone, flashlight, voice recorder, or any other gear I may carry. So, I use a mount that I attach to my monopod, hot shoe adapters, and velcro to have my set up all smooth (I'll share that another time). This set up is directly determined by your gear and your pereerences. 

You may want to even consider something like a phone lasso that will allow you to put your phone on a lanyard (or anything else with a smooth surface.) I have one on my phone that I keep attached to a wristlet. Then, on an evestigation, I'll switch it to a lanyard. It is always ready to go when I need it. You could also put a voice recorder on it. 

Product Details

6. Voice Recorder

This is a pretty importaant one. There have been nights that we have been at the research area and heard howls all night long. Then, there are nights we may hear 2. There are many options for voice recorders, including apps. I suggest a freestanding one though, it s much simpler. You can get a very involved one like from Sony or Olumpus, or a more simpler one. I prefer this one touch recorder from Uqique. Just turn it on and it starts recording. Great for catching calls. 
Product Details

7. Walkie Talkie

This is one of hose essential things that the team you will be with will most likely have, we do. However, if you are going with a friend (or starting a team), I wanted to include this. If you and your friend get seperated, this is a great thing to have! You don't have to have the best one, just enough diistance to reach eachother. 

8. Evidence Collection

You are going to want something to collect evidence with. While you do not have to have all of this, these are some of the items in mine. Paper bags, ziplock bags, vials, tweezers, disposable gloves, alcohol wipes, surveyor's tape, tape measure, lighted magnifying glass, distance meter, UV light and a notepad to write it all down with and number. Don't forget plaster, water, and something to miz it in. 

I have tweezers, surveyors tape, tape measure, and baggies in my pack I carry along. Then, I have a tool box with the rest of this stuff in it. 

9. Something To Carry Your Gear With

While some items can be left at base camp, some can be worn on your person (or monopod), there are still going to be things you need to have with you and not in your hands. So, you need something to carry it with. 

There are many options available, including utility vests, backpacks, waist packs, sling packs, and more. I personally use a variety of options. I use a small backpack and a waist pack. I also have a larger backpack I keep at base base camp with speakers, extra gear, and all that fun stuff we sometimes use in it- just in case. I've been keeping my eye out for a couple different size camera backpacks because they have easier access and padding for equipment and a utility vest for my husband. If you have recommendations, I'd love to hear them. 

10. The Right Attitude

I saved the biggest for last. I'm not going to tell you what attitude is right because essentially, it is about what is in your heart. 

I'm not setting out to prove that bigfoot (or ghosts) exist to the world- I already know they are real. I am doing 2 things I am trying to get people to open their mind to the possibility of something existing that they cannot see, and I'm looking for an explanation to what I've seen- that's all. If they do ever get proven to exist, I will work to have them protected. I do not want to see them killed, although I fear that a body is the only way to prove what I've seen exists. 

What is on your list of essential gear? 

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Ghost Hunting Equipment: Must Have Accessories

I'm sure you have all realized by now that I'm a bit of a tech geek and gadget hoarder. Being a paranormal investigator and bigfoot researcher only adds to this. I love my equipment.

Most people know about the basic ghost hunting equipment like night vision camera, flashlight, voice recorder, KII meter, and even thermometer. However, some of my favorite gear is the gadgets that add to the functionality of my general equipment. I'm going to go over my favorites here.

1. Lights

Image result for ir lightsThere are all kinds of lights to use during a paranormal investigation. There are flashlights, color filter flashlights, spot lights, black lights, and IR lights. They all have their own purpose and should be used accordingly. 

Flashlights may seem obvious to see where you are going, but some people use the ones with twist off and on to get answers from entities. Color filter flashlights can help your eyes adjust better and even make the light not as harsh on cameras. I have seen black lights been used in experiments, and I have conducted some of my own, so they are definitely a fun addition. IR lights have a specific function in a paranormal investigation- an external one can help extend the range of your night vision camera. 

2. Tripods, Monopods & Selfie Sticks

Image result for alezan mobileI have many different tripods- I have standard ones, table top ones, laser grid holders, gorilla pods, and more. I also have several monopods and selfie sticks for different purposes, as well as attachments for both so I can attach whatever equipment I want and just have one hand full of gear. This also allows me to set up a tripod with a camera and external IR light for a better range- a camera bracket helps that. 

I do have a favorite selfie stick- the Alezan selfie stick allows me to use my camera, phone, or go pro with different accessories so that I can accomplish what I need to. See my review here. (giveaway here)

3. Power

Image result for dc to 9 voltPower is a very important part of paranormal investigations- we always need to make sure our equipment is charged, have backup batteries, and a way to charge on the go. There are many different battery packs on the market that will allow you to charge anything via USB. There are also solar chargers that can help with this. I have recently bout some adapters that will allow me to use a 9volt battery to in place of a dc adapter- great for old buildings with no power and outside investigations. I use it on a security camera and ir lights. 

4. Tape, Bungees, Etc. 

Image result for gaffer's tapeThis may seem odd, but you should always have a supply of these items on hand. I have had to use bungee cords to attach items to tripods, to fix tripods in a pinch, and even help with command central. Tape is great for measuring, holding down cords, emergency fixings, and even for documenting anomalies like items moving. Gaffer's tape is the best option. It is what photographers use and is a matte black so that you do not have the shine in a photo or video

Other items to include are screwdrivers, measuring tapes, and a first aid kit. 

5. Phones and Tablets

I love using my phone and tablet on paranormal investigations. I actually use my old LG Optimus L90 with some paranormal apps to measure different things, take photos and videos, and record evps. I use the old one because I do not have to worry about getting calls during an investigation. There are all kinds of apps to add to the functionality of phones and tablets during investigations. Some of these include vibration sensor, ghost meters, echovox, spirit boxes, emf detectors, etc. There are even apps from T.A.P.S. I will actually be testing and reviewing some of these soon.